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Hello, Everyone!
Today is the big day!
We will officially be launching the server today, as of 3/31/2018.
The server will officially launch at 12:00 PM EST (11:00 AM CST)
The server shop will have a 50% off sale for the next week!
Be sure to invite your friends, and if we hit max players on launch, we will be giving away 3 vip ranks, 1 custom class!
Good luck, thanks for playing!


Welcome to Onyx Roleplay!

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Hello everyone, my name is Ethan.
I have been working hard with Squiddles to make the best experience for you guys.
We would love your feedback, so feel free to post some suggestions on the forums.

I can not thank you enough for checking out the server, we really appreciate it.
If you love the server, feel free to invite your friends!
You can also join our server's discord at